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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

It has been raining . . . acorns

Here in California there has been a four year drought and everyone is so concerned about it.  Most people have stopped watering their lawns which is actually good for oak trees.

I live in an oak tree belt at the edge of a pine forest and the oaks have been raining acorns for a good month now.  Every night (and throughout the day) the acorns hit the roof and roll down to hit the ground.  ( I bet the rain gutters are full of them by now.)

The acorns even hit the car when I drive out the driveway.  You can't walk around outside without crunching them under your feet.  Deer and wild turkeys have joined the squirrels and blue jays in enjoying the feast.

I have been told by a local gardener that a year with a full and heavy acorn harvest portends a rainy season ahead.  Let's hope that is true so I can garden next year without worrying someone that I'm using water.  Too many fires have been going on also.  Everything is so dry.

On a side note, the blue birds really love the wide stretches of dead lawn as a feeding ground to find insects.  They are flashing their blue wings as they fly back up toward the trees.

Autumn rains, we're ready for you.

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