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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Friday, February 27, 2015

Peaceful Sky

Today's backyard moment.

Into the Mystic

We were born before the wind
Also younger than the sun
Ere the bonnie boat was won
As we sailed into the mystic

Hark, now hear the sailors cry
Smell the sea and feel the sky
Let your soul and spirit fly
Into the mystic

And when that fog horn blows
I will be coming home, mmm mmm
And when the fog horn blows
I want to hear it
I don't have to fear it

I wanna rock your gypsy soul
Just like way back in the days of old
Then magnificently we will float
Into the mystic

When that fog horn blows
You know I will be coming home
And when that fog horn whistle blows
I gotta hear it
I don't have to fear it

And I wanna rock your gypsy soul
Just like way back in the days of old
And together we will float
Into the mystic
Come on girl

Into the Mystic~Van Morrison
Artist~Aimee Stewart aka FireFox

Is It Spring Yet?

Artist - Jessica Boehman

Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

Spring is coming!

Thursday, February 26, 2015




Save the Date: Earth Gratitude Wave, April 22, 2015

Earth Gratitude Hour
I was sitting outside this past Thanksgiving, surrounded by beautiful trees and rolling hills and feeling grateful for the crisp, clean air, when it occurred to me that we should have a similar holiday of thanksgiving for the earth.
However, we don’t need a whole new holiday for Earth; we have Earth Day. We also don’t need another organization to manage or another fundraising opportunity to ask people to donate their money. All we really need is for everyone to stop for a minute and feel grateful. I believe we could achieve so much good by simply taking time to reflect on what the earth has given us and continues to give us every day: all our food, our air to breathe, the materials to build our homes, and even the coal and oil to heat them! It’s time to show some gratitude to Earth, for even just a moment.
The truth is, the earth unifies everyone and everything. Regardless of our differences—whether they be political, cultural, religious, or geographical—one fact is immutable: We are all completely dependent on the earth. We cannot survive without it.
When a gift such as the earth is given, it is both polite and kind to give thanks.
So this is a call to action—an easy and fun action that will both benefit you personally and help spread appreciation worldwide. This coming Earth Day, let’s celebrate with anEarth Gratitude Wave. It will be a time for you to consciously express your gratitude for the earth. Imagine a giant wave of gratitude passing around the earth and surrounding each and every one of us. You can express it to your own heart, to your friends, family, and coworkers, or on social media. Or even better, to nature!
When: April 22, 2015
What: Pause to consider and share what you are most grateful for—in a moment, in your life, in your surroundings. It can be anything: your favorite tree or your favorite food, a river flowing with clean water, a glass of good red wine, kittens or birds, your home or vacations…it’s all from the earth.
Why: Let’s do this together, and let’s do it globally. Imagine the positive energy that we will create. This is a moment not for judging or being judged…there is no right or wrong or best and better. This is just for the personal pleasure and delight in feeling grateful for the earth. Seriously, no strings attached. Just a small moment of shared appreciation for the one thing each and every one of us can’t live without.
How: Stay tuned for future updates on the Earth Gratitude Wave and for times/ways to share your gratitude for the earth!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Fun Fungi Facts

Fungi are not plants.

Living things are organized for study into large, basic groups called kingdoms. Fungi were listed in the Plant Kingdom for many years. Then scientists learned that fungi show a closer relation to animals, but are unique and separate life forms. Now, Fungi are placed in their own Kingdom.

It is a hidden kingdom. The part of the fungus that we see is only the “fruit” of the organism. The living body of the fungus is a mycelium made out of a web of tiny filaments called hyphae. The mycelium is usually hidden in the soil, in wood, or another food source. A mycelium may fill a single ant, or cover many acres. The branching hyphae can add over a half mile (1 km) of total length to the mycelium each day. These webs live unseen until they develop mushrooms, puffballs, truffles, brackets, cups, “birds nests,” “corals” or other fruiting bodies. If the mycelium produces microscopic fruiting bodies, people may never notice the fungus.

fungus colony (mycelium)
Most fungi build their cell walls out of chitin. This is the same material as the hard outer shells of insects and other arthropods. Plants do not make chitin.f

Monday, February 23, 2015

Dandy Dandelion

Save the puffs from the first dandelion in spring to use to make future wishes. 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Poem by Rumi - Let us Become A New Spring

"Let us fall in love again

and scatter gold dust all over the world.

Let us become a new spring

and feel the breeze drift in heaven’s scent.

Let us dress the earth in green

and like the sap of a young tree

let the grace from within us sustain us

Let us carve gems out of our stony hearts

and let them light our path to Love.

The glance of Love is crystal clear

and we are blessed by its light.”


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ancestors Prayer

Ancestors prayer
When you were born,
the earth became your body,
the stone became your bone,
the sea became your blood,
the sun became your eye,
the moon became your mind,
the wind became your breath.
When you passed to the otherworld, your breath became the wind,
your mind became the moon,
your eye became the sun,
your blood became the sea,
your bone became the stone,
your body became the earth.
When we were born, you did the same for us:
You called forth the earth and rocks; The sea arose and the sun descended; The moon shone down and the winds sang. For those who come after, we shall do as you did for us. When we are gone, we shall do as you did before.
Ancestors, we honor you
By Rev. Michael J. Dangler

Monday, February 16, 2015

Beautiful Natural Places

Love this earth:

Waterfalls are so awesome.

Springtime in Lake Tahoe

Now we are having Springtime at Lake Tahoe and foothills.  Spring is blooming and it is 72 degrees warm today.  The birds are singing their hearts out.  They sound like a cacophony of cell phones ringing with a base of crickets.

World Tree

This is a good article about the spiritual importance of trees.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Mossy Oak

This picture really captures the feel of where I am living now.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Surfing Lake Tahoe

Surfer on Lake Tahoe 2/6/2015

Can you believe that people find fun like this from the storm?  This lake is about an hour's drive from where I live.  I see the snow capped mountains from my yard.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Happy Full Moon

At night, I open the window and ask the moon 
to come and press its face against mine.
Breathe into me. 
Close the language-door and open the love-window. 
The moon won’t use the door, only the window. ~Rumi
Artist~Sarah Addison Allen moon snow

Monday, February 2, 2015

First Signs of Spring Day

Happy "First Signs of Spring" day.  Can you feel the hint of Spring in the air?  Probably not if you live in Boston.  Here there are buds on the leafless trees.  Bulbs are poking out of the lawn areas. It's kind of exciting to anticipate the warmer days ahead.  I've been pulling out the invasive ivy while deer watched cautiously from the neighbor's yard.  January had no rain for the first time on record although we are expecting a "pineapple express" rainstorm to arrive this coming weekend.  Happy full moon.  I am feeling this one. . . a fullness in my heart.  Enjoy!