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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Winter Wind

Today had gusty cold winds which sent the fallen leaves dancing in twirls and wiggles, whole fields with leaves bouncing.  Even the crows were bouncing in the wind and the pony was prancing and the treetops were swaying.  Suddenly a colorful bird hit the windowpane hard, fell and stayed still on the ground for the longest time. Eventually a dog ran by and the bird flew off for a nearby tree.  My heart was so glad.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Peace on Earth

Merry Christmas

Santa just sent me a cashmere scarf just in time for winter.  This is also the time of the year that I can say PEACE PEACE PEACE to everyone everywhere.  We are all in this together and bound with love.  Enjoy 2015.  Keep it true to yourself and lighten up.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Layers and Contrast

Under the coat is a vest which is over a sweater which is over a long sleeved shirt.  When you go into a store, off comes the coat and then the vest.  Maybe even the sweater.

When you go back outside again a blast of the most refreshing cold air hits you.  Ah-h-h-h  breathing deeply of the freshness and piling back on the layers.  How nice.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Autumn Brights

First came the breathtaking redness of certain trees as the season first turned, then came the oranges of fun and warmth, then as the weather turned horrid and dismal did the wind blow the yellow leaves thoroughly about making for a carpet of yellow sunshine to uplift and give cheer.