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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Where the Oaks Meet the Pines

Where the Oaks Meet the Pines
Oak trees shoot pointed acorns speedily to the ground
Ping ping ping
Squirrels and Blue Jays gather and bury them
Each spying on the other.
Farmer in the Dell lives next door:
Horse named Sierra, Pony named Cupcake
Hog and pigs, Roosters and chickens,
Dogs and cats & children.
The dogs and chickens chase each other
Back and forth.
Canadian Geese honk constantly as they fly in small bands
like Pelicans along the shoreline, as they skim the treetops.
Honk honk honk
The trees drop lichen and branches with moss.
Broken oak leaves are everywhere
Especially on the bottom of my shoe soles
Which I track into the house.
The roadkill is larger and somewhat sadder;
contorted deer still lithe in form.
The roads are windy
Barns are all about
The forest thickens as you travel up.
I used to sprinkle felt and tinsel leaves
for Fall ambiance
Now it's the real deal.
Season's will turn and it will
All be so awesome!
First day with long sleeves
First night with closed windows
Heavy bedspread on the bed.