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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Underneath the Eucalyptus Tree

36" x 24" Acrylic on canvas

This is a painting of a tree that grew beside my entryway until it lost a limb which hit the roof.  Sadly, it was cut to the ground.  The tree had stood at least 75 feet tall and housed a screech owl and many hummingbirds.   I promised my tree that I would dedicate an art project to it and here it is.  Also, it's babies appeared later in many of my potted plants.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Monarch Butterflys and MilkWeed

Have you heard that pesticides have been killing the milkweed plants that Monarch butterflies feed on?

I  bought a plant at our nearby Farmer's Market.  It grew strong and sent up a bright fireworks-like explosion of tiny flowers in red and yellow.  I thought "how is a Monarch butterfly ever going to find my one lonely milkweed plant?"

Then I had a visitor that stuck around long enough for me to get my camera out.  It was so thankful that it almost knocked me over with gratitude.

I'm hoping this will be encouragement for others to plant milkweed. Until regulators can get the damaging poison of the market shelves, the Monarchs will appreciate our help.

Also, the milkweed plant will go to seed and many other plants will grow the following year.