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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Intelligent Wind

Maybe you had to be there but recently we had a huge wind storm.  Everything was being thrashed about and I was hoping that my patio canopy would not fly away or tear.  The next morning I was totally amazed because the blond ash tree on the other side of the house had distributed its many-leafed leaflets in an even pattern all over my garden.  I was picking them up in accordance to the pattern instead of looking for them with my eyes as  some of the leaflets were aligned with other plants so well that I wouldn't have seen them except for knowing about the pattern.  My impression is that the wind storm was intelligent and knew it was putting a blanket on my garden, as it is designed to do.

On another note, sometimes I surf the web and read different (read weird) pages out there.  Sometimes an idea will stick in my head and I can't shake it out.  This is the one that wants to sprout in my brain and grow:  When all of mankind decides to outlaw war, a free energy source will be revealed to help us propel creatively into the future without destroying our planet at the same time.  I guess this is me being forward minded.

I'm painting a vortex on my round kitchen table with my left over paints.  It's a reminder of the energy system that holds all of my dreams.  May you receive the dreams you have placed in the vortex as well.